On people’s everyday journeys, they plan to pick their children up from school, to be at work on time for a meeting and to meet their friends at the beach. But no one plans for a crash. This new campaign from The Brand Agency & produced by Clockwork Films, targets all Western Australian road users and asks them to think abut that very fact. Every time they walk out the door, they must make conscious decisions to make that journey safe.
The Road Safety Commission’s latest evolution of its ‘Make Every Journey Safe’ platform was launched in December by Road Safety Minister, the Hon. Paul Papalia, with a 15m-long metal sculpture at Scarborough Beach depicting a vehicle crashed into the campaign line. This week sees the full roll-out of the remainder of the campaign across TV, BOD, Cinema, Audio, 00H, Digital & Social.
For the TV campaign, rather than just one TVC, there are five 30″ spots for each of the two featured households. The first house belongs to an everyday family; the other, a group of young housemates. Each 30″ spot joins a respective household as they discuss their plans for the day before leaving to embark on their everyday journey using different modes of transport. These realistic scenes are interrupted by an emotional ‘premonition’ from a concerned and grieving family member or loved one, before snapping back to everyday reality.
The centerpiece of the campaign is a 60″ cinema spot combining one of the family executions with one from the share house, to create a dramatic clash between the two worlds.
Says Dean Hunt, executive creative director at The Brand Agency: “No one plans a crash, but how many of us stop to think about what we need to do to avoid one every time we leave the house? This campaign takes a more emotive approach to Road Safety messaging and has allowed us to go quite deep in terms of performance. While multiple scenarios give a wider appeal to a larger demographic of road users, our targeted media strategy ensures that each spot is talking to the right people at the right time, with a message and behaviour most relevant to them. A big thank you to The Road Safety Commission, our amazing crew and production partners, and everyone at The Brand Agency who worked so hard to get this campaign out there.”
With 175 people dying on our roads last year, many of whom died in preventable crashes, Road Safety Commissioner Adrian Warner is asking all Western Australians to have a conversation about what they can do to improve our road safety culture. He commented: “This campaign has the power to grab people’s attention and get this important conversation started. I want people to shift the focus away from what others can do, and start thinking about what they can do.”
Says Evan Murie, business director at The Brand Agency: “No One Plans a Crash is one of the more emotionally driven campaigns we’ve seen for a while in Western Australia. I’m really excited about what is the beginning of a strong creative platform to run for years ahead and hopefully a reminder to everyone to think about what they can do to make their journey safe before embarking on our roads.”