The humorous spot created by Richards Rose and directed by Justin McMillan from Clockwork Films, sees a grumpy old farmer begrudgingly accept a lift in new Mitsubishi Triton. Along an action-packed journey he gives directions back to his farmhouse and in doing so puts the Triton and its younger driver through their paces. Each time a new 4WD mode is selected the farmer’s mood improves, at least momentarily.
“ Both Richards Rose and Clockwork Films rose to the challenge and have done a fantastic job to deliver an authentic yet distinctive commercial. “
Karen Bradley, senior manager marketing from Mitsubishi Motors Australia.
”It’s rare to have a USP these days so with our 4WD technology, we knew we had to be bold and captivating to engage ute buyers.
We are confident that the humour in this ad will leave a smile on everyone’s dial! ”.